Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Your First ASP Script
firstscript .asp ASP Code :< %
Respon se.Write( "Hello Me")
Launch Internet Explorer and type the following into the address bar:
If you see the following...
Internet Explorer Display:
Hello Me
...then you've got all the file saving and running mumbo jumbo figured out and you can start focusing on learning ASP! Now let's continue!
Posted by
8:48 PM
Creating ASP Testing Grounds
Throughout this tutorial we will be referring to the folder "tizagASP" that you should create if you want to follow along with these ASP Tutorials.
Inside the wwwroot folder create a New Folder and rename it "tizagASP"
To access this directory you would type the following into Internet Explorer:
Where FILENAME is name of your ASP file
All of the files you create while reading the ASP Tutorial should go into this directory.
Posted by
8:48 PM
Running an ASP Web Page
If you do not know where to save and run your ASP web pages from, this lesson will guide you through the process. In the previous lesson we installed Microsoft's Server software (IIS or PWS) to enable your computer to run .asp files. However, having IIS or PWS installed is not enough to run ASP files. The next step you must complete is to save and run your ASP files from a special location on your hard drive: the Inetpub directory to be specific.
Follow these steps to navigate to this directory:
Open up "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" so that you can view your system's files and directories.
Select and Open the C drive (C:)
Double click the Inetpub folder
Double click the wwwroot folder - The full path to this location is "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot" for you advanced users
Within the wwwroot directory locate the "localstart.asp" file.
This is the same file you saw after completing the installation in the previous lesson. Your ASP files will have to go into this wwwroot directory or a contained sub-directory to run properly.
Posted by
8:46 PM
Tizag's Setup
Posted by
8:41 PM
Installing ASP and IIS on Windows XP Professional
Open your control panel. Click Start -> then Settings -> then Control Panel
Select and Open "Add or Remove Programs"
On the left column of the popup window select "Add or Remove Windows Components"
Scroll down until you see Internet Information Services (IIS)
If IIS is not checked then check it, otherwise you already have IIS installed on your computer
Click Next and follow the on screen instructions from the installer
When it has completed, open up Internet Explorer and type in http://localhost
If IIS was install appropriately you should be taken to the welcome screen http://localhost/localstart.asp
Posted by
8:41 PM
Installing ASP
ASP (Active Server Pages) is part of the Internet Information Server (IIS) package that comes with certain Microsoft operating systems. Currently there is no native support for ASP on the other operating systems, such as: Mac OS, Linux, and Unix. The operating systems that do have the ability to support ASP are: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP Pro.
You will notice that XP Home Edition was not on the list of operating systems, and this was done intentionally by Microsoft to encourage people to purchase the more expensive XP Professional Edition. This lesson will provide an installation walkthrough for Windows 98 and Windows XP Pro.
Note: Chilisoft does have a solution for some Linux and Solaris users and can be purchased at Sun's web site: Sun Java System Active Server Pages 4.0.
Posted by
8:39 PM
What You Need to Know
This ASP Tutorial is quite long, so do not try to take it on all at once. We find that reading a couple lessons at one sitting and then giving yourself time to reflect on what you learned really helps to understand the subject better. Good luck!
Posted by
8:39 PM
Complete Solution - ASP
Posted by
8:38 PM
ASP Introduction
Posted by
8:35 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Visual Basic Script (VBScript)
There are three ways to use VBScript in ASP pages:
1. In-line VBScript statements: The VBScript statements must be enclosed in the special in-line script tag: <% %>. The enclosed statements will be executed by the server, and the output of response.write() calls will be merged in-line with the surrounding static HTML text. In-line VBScript statements require a language declaration statement to define explicityly VBScript as the server side scripting language, if you are not sure what is the default language defined on the Web server. <%@ language="vbscript"%>
2. In-line VBScript expression: The VBScript expression must be enclosed in the special in-line script tag: <% %> with a leading "=" sign. The enclosed expression will be evaluated, and the resulting value will be converted into a string and merged in-line withh the surrounding static HTML text. In-line VBScript expression also require a language declaration statement to define explicityly VBScript as the server side scripting language, if you are not sure what is the default language defined on the Web server. <%@ language="vbscript"%>
= vbscript_expresion
3. Script block of VBScript statements: The VBScript statements must be enclosed by the starting script block tag . Two attributes are required on the script tag: "language" and "runat".
Please note that the script block VBScript statements will be executed by the server. But the output of response.write() calls will not be merged in-line with the surrounding static HTML text. It will be:
Inserted at the beginning of the HTTP reponse before any static HTML text, if the server's default scripting language is not VBScript.
Appended at the end of the HTTP reponse after any static HTML text, if the server's default scripting language is VBScript.
This rule was a big supprise to me. I had to post a message to microsoft.public.inetsdk.programming.scripting.vbscript, and got confirmed from Microsoft. See the article Using VBScript and JScript on a Web Page.
Mixing VBScript Statements with Static HTML Text
Here is an ASP page example to show you how in-line statements and expressions can be mixed with static HTML text: <%@ language="vbscript"%>
<% if 0 <= hour(time) and hour(time) <>
<% elseif 12 <= hour(time) and hour(time) <>
<% else
end if %>
<% response.write("The current server time is: ") %>
<% = Time %> on <% = Date %>
Output: Good evening, Herong.
The current server time is: 10:01:56 PM on 5/24/2003
In the previous example, I was able to break the "if" statement into two parts and use in-line script for one part and static text for the other.
In the next example, I will show you the difference between in-line scripts and script blocks:
Text line 2.
Text line 4.
Output: Text line 2.
Text line 4.
Text line 1.
Text line 3.
Supprised? I was supprised before I learned that execution rule about script blocks mentioned in the previous section. The output also tell us that the default language on IIS 5.0 is set to VBScript. Otherwise, text line 1 and 3 would be displayed first. The problem can be avoided by using the in-line scripts: <%@ language="vbscript"%>
response.write("Text line 1.
Text line 2.
response.write("Text line 3.
Text line 4.
Now you know the different ways to use VBScript in ASP pages. But which way is better?
In-line script, <%...%>, is very flexible in mixing dynamic data with static HTML text. But the syntax is not so XML friendly.
Script block, , is not useful at all if you want to keep static HTML text in your page. It can only be used, if you want to write the entire page in a single block, and output all HTML text with response.write() calls.
Personally, I prefer script block syntax, because I could easily manipulate it with XML tools. So I will be using script blocks most of the time for my sample ASP pages in this book. Note that even HTML comment tag must be moved into the script blocks.
Variables and Expressions in VBScript
Special rules about variables and expressions:
Variables used without declarations are called "variant" variables.
Variant variables can be used to store different data types.
Variable names are case insensitive.
"=" is the assignment operator. But it is also the boolean equality operator.
"&" is the string concatenation operator.
Here is a sample ASP page, variable.asp:
Output: Tests on variables:
Sum = 6
Is the answer correct? True
"i = i=6" is a very unusual statement. First of all, variable "i" has changed its data type from integer to boolean. Secondly, two "=" signs are used next to each other, the first one is an assignment operation, and the second one is a boolean equality operator.
Array is a build-in data structure in Visual Basic language. It can used to store a collection of data elements with indexes to access each element. Arrays can be declared to hold a fixed number of elements as: dim weekdays(5)
Arrays can also be declared to a variable number of elements as: dim weekdays()
redim weekdays(5)
other statements
redim preserve weekdays(7)
Elements in a array can be iterated with the "for each ... next" statement as: dim weekdays(5)
other statements
for each day in weekdays
other statements
Here is a simple ASP page to how the features of arrays:
Output Tests on arrays:
Element 1 = Mon
Element 2 = Tue
Element 3 = Wed
Element 4 = Thu
Element 5 = Fri
Two days added:
Element 1 = Mon
Element 2 = Tue
Element 3 = Wed
Element 4 = Thu
Element 5 = Fri
Element 6 = Sat
Element 7 = Sun
Element 8 =
Note that:
Indexes of elements in arrays starts with 0.
"redim" can only be used against arrays that are declared with dynamic size.
"redim" can be used repeatedly.
"redim preserve" can be used to preserve the elements that already exist.
"for each ... next" statement revealed an extra element in the array. I am not sure why?
"Collection" Class
Collection: A class representing a collection of ordered elements. The stored elements can be referred by an index number or by the key associated with the elements. It offers the following methods and properties based on the documentation of Visual Basic .NET:
"Item(ikey)": Property to return the element of the specified index or key. Item() is the default method of a collection object, so you can call this method without the method name, like object(ikey), instead of object.Item(ikey).
"Count": Property to return the number of elements in the collection.
"Add(element)": Method to add an element at the end of the collection without a key.
"Add(element, key)": Method to add an element at the end of the collection with a key.
"Remove(ikey)": Method to remove the element of the specified index or key.
Unfortunately, I was not able to write an ASP page with a new collection object.
Posted by
8:47 PM
Displaying an RSS Feed using ASP
This tutorial will walk you through adding dynamic content from an RSS 2.0 data feed. RSS is a XML format for syndicating news content, web site updates, and blogs. Learn how to add this content to your web site with ASP.
RSS 2.0 Format
The RSS 2.0 is a very simple XML format. In the RSS feed, the
<>channel title
link to channel
item title
link url
unique id
item description
Reading the RSS Feed
To read the RSS feed, the MSXML2.DOMDocument object is used to read and parse the XML. This object allows for the XML DOM (Document Object Model) to be easily accessed.
The following example read an RSS feed into the XML DOM object:
Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")xmlDOM.async = False
xmlDOM.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", TruexmlDOM.Load("")
Parse the news items
The information in the RSS feed that we are interested in is within the
'Get all of the - tags in the feed
Set itemList = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item")
strHTML = strHTML & ""
'Iterate over each itemFor Each item In itemList
'Parse the item children
For each child in item.childNodes
Select case lcase(child.nodeName)
case "title"
title = child.text
case "link"
link = child.text
case "description"
description = child.text
End Select
'Build the HTML for each bullet item
strHTML = strHTML & ""
strHTML = strHTML & "& Server.HTMLEncode(link) & "'>"
strHTML = strHTML & Server.HTMLEncode(title)
strHTML = strHTML & ""
strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & description
strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & ""Next
strHTML = strHTML & ""
Set xmlDOM = Nothing
Set itemList = Nothing
Final Version
Below is the complete version of the example to read the RSS 2.0 feed. The final version will also cache the HTML content built on the RSS feed. This is so it won't get the RSS feed everytime the web page is loaded. By caching the resulting HTML, it will improve the page performance and it won't overload the server that you are requesting the feed from. To view more information on caching, you may want to read the tutorial Caching Data in ASP.
<%@ Language="VBScript" %><html>
<title>RSS Reader</title>
<body><%If DateDiff("h", Application("rss-html-time"), Now()) >= 2 then
Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlDOM.async = False
xmlDOM.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
'Get all of the - tags in the feed
Set itemList = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item")
strHTML = strHTML & ""
'Iterate over each item
For Each item In itemList
'Parse the item children
For each child in item.childNodes
Select case lcase(child.nodeName)
case "title"
title = child.text
case "link"
link = child.text
case "description"
description = child.text
End Select
'Build the HTML for each bullet item
strHTML = strHTML & ""
strHTML = strHTML & "& Server.HTMLEncode(link) & "'>"
strHTML = strHTML & Server.HTMLEncode(title)strHTML = strHTML & ""
strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & description
strHTML = strHTML & "
strHTML = strHTML & ""
strHTML = strHTML & ""
Set xmlDOM = Nothing
Set itemList = Nothing
Application("rss-html") = strHTML
Application("rss-html-time") = Now()
Application.UnLockEnd If
Posted by
8:40 PM
cheching if user is online
<%If Response.IsClientConnected=true thenResponse.Write(”The user is still connected!”)elseResponse.Write(”The user is not connected!”)end if%>
Explanation by Line
1. Starts the ASP code block.
2. Here we start an if statement that says if the user is connected then the statement is true and it goes to line three, otherwise it goes to line 5.
3. It prints that the user is connected.
4. The else statement says; if the initial if statement was false then execute line 5, otherwise skip over it.
5. It prints that the user isnt connected if the if statement was false.
6. This tag closes the if statement.
7. This tag ends the ASP code block.
Hoped this helped
Posted by
6:37 PM
Converting all applicable characters to HTML entities
In this code sample we will converting all applicable characters to HTML entities using htmlentities(). Using 'htmlentities' all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are translated into these entities.
string htmlentities ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]] )
Example :
$strMessag = "You're my best friend.";
echo htmlentities($strMessage, );
echo htmlentities($strMessage,
echo htmlentities($strMessage,
Available quote_style constants :
ENT_COMPAT : Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
ENT_QUOTES : Will convert both double and single quotes.
ENT_NOQUOTES : Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.
Supported charsets :
ISO-8859-1 ISO8859-1 Western European, Latin-1
ISO-8859-15 ISO8859-15 Western European, Latin-9. Adds the Euro sign, French and Finnish letters missing in Latin-1(ISO-8859-1).
UTF-8 ASCII compatible multi-byte 8-bit Unicode.
cp866 ibm866, 866 DOS-specific Cyrillic charset. This charset is supported in 4.3.2.
cp1251 Windows-1251, win-1251, 1251 Windows-specific Cyrillic charset. This charset is supported in 4.3.2.
cp1252 Windows-1252, 1252 Windows specific charset for Western European.
KOI8-R koi8-ru, koi8r Russian. This charset is supported in 4.3.2.
BIG5 950 Traditional Chinese, mainly used in Taiwan.
GB2312 936 Simplified Chinese, national standard character set.
BIG5-HKSCS Big5 with Hong Kong extensions, Traditional Chinese.
Shift_JIS SJIS, 932 Japanese
Posted by
7:26 AM
Creating Word Files Online
Here is a comple source code :
Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=NAME.doc"
response.Write(" : Visit Site
" & vbnewline)
We can use HTML codes for word documents
")response.Write ("
<% Response.ContentType = "application/msword" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=NAME.doc" response.Write(" : Visit Site
" & vbnewline)
We can use HTML codes for word documents
")response.Write ("
Posted by
7:23 AM
Labels: asp tutorials, word files online
- ASP Syntax
- Your First ASP Script
- Creating ASP Testing Grounds
- Running an ASP Web Page
- Tizag's Setup
- Installing ASP and IIS on Windows XP Professional
- Installing ASP
- What You Need to Know
- Complete Solution - ASP
- ASP Introduction
- Visual Basic Script (VBScript)
- Displaying an RSS Feed using ASP
- cheching if user is online
- Converting all applicable characters to HTML entities
- Creating Word Files Online